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Timber Jumps
The Timber Jump Low Rise contains the 12" Log resting on the Log Stands, the starting height is 19". Use additional Log Stands to raise your log in 4" increments. The Timber Jump uses the 12" Log which sets on two adjustable posts in their stands. The 12" Diameter by 6' Log starts at the Beginning Novice height of 2' 7", Raise the jump in 4" Increments, to Novice, Training and up to the Preliminary height of 3' 7". Use 2 Timber Jumps to create a spread or a corner. Very versatile as you can combine the Low Rise and the Timber Jump for a variety of obstacles. X-Country Flag Poles w/Flags can be added to complete your jump.
- Low Rise is a 12" X 6' Log resting on Log Stands making the starting height 19"
- *Use additional Log Stands to raise your Log in 4" incremnents.
- Timber Jump is a 12" Log which sets on two adjustable posts in their stands, the 12" Diameter by 6' Log starts at the Beginning Novice height of 2' 7" Raise the jump in 4" Increments, to Novice, Training and up to the Preliminary height of 3' 7".
- Use 2 Timber Jumps to create a Spread or a Corner.
- Add a pair of Flag Poles W/Flags to complete your jump.
#790LR Timber Jump - Low Rise =12" Log x 6' Long
#795AS Additional Log Stands (Pr) - Adds 4" to Height
#790TJ Timber Jump =12" Log x 6' Long - Jumps 2' 7" to 3'7"
#999FP X-Country Flag Poles w/Flags = 86" Long Includes Flags, attaching Clips & Screws.